Marian House alumnae Mary Bonds, Deneen Houze, Carol Smith, and Chrystal Wesby share their own experiences with trauma and its impact on their lives.
Trauma: A Primer
Dr. Carolyn Knight, Professor of Social Work, School of Social Work, UMBC, and author of the book Introduction to Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma, offers insights on trauma and its consequences.
Mental Illness: Perspectives
Marian House alumnae Mary Bonds, Nalisha Gibbs, Terri Randolph-Spence, and Helena Weathers discuss struggles and successes confronting mental illness.
Mental Illness: A Primer
Katie Allston, Executive Director of Marian House, and Kathleen LaVina, Clinical Supervisor and Special Projects Coordinator for Marian House, discuss challenges around mental health, and overcoming them through support services.
Homelessness: Perspectives
Marian House alumnae Willette Fair, Deneen Houze, Cynthia Kopec, Paris Turner, and Chanta Whiting share their experiences with and feelings about homelessness.
Homelessness: A Primer
Katie Allston, Executive Director of Marian House, offers insights on homelessness and the approach Marian House takes with the women they serve.
Incarceration: Perspectives
Marian House alumnae Audrey Fisher, Nalisha Gibbs, Cynthia Hall, Carol Smith, Terri Randolph-Spence, and Chanta Whiting share their experiences with incarceration and its consequences.
Incarceration: A Primer
Monique Dixon, Director of the Criminal & Juvenile Justice Program at the Open Society Institute-Baltimore, on how incarceration affects the women Marian House serves and others like them.
Addiction: Perspectives
Marian House alumnae Audrey Fisher, Deneen Houze, Cynthia Kopec, Carol Smith, Paris Turner, and Chrystal Wesby share their stories of addiction and recovery.
Addiction: A Primer
Dr. Tom Cargiulo, Director of the Tackling Drug Addiction Initiative at the Open Society Institute-Baltimore, and Greg Warren, President and CEO of Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems, offer insights on addiction and its impact.