Thank you for using the power of your social network to partner with Marian House and our vision to strengthen our society by unlocking the potential found within the women we serve. Your voice and actions today will help support and build a healing community for women and their children who are in need of housing and support services.
Below you will find downloadable graphics, social media posts, emails, and talking points – the tools you need to inspire friends and family to learn more, give, and share.
Remember, the best messages are ones that come from the heart, so please feel free to personalize your outreach, letting your network know why the Marian House work is important to you. And don’t forget to use these hashtags #MarianHouse #unlockpotential and #strengthensociety in all of your outreach!
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How To Talk About Marian House
Elevator speeches, text to share, videos, and more
Mission Statement
Marian House is a holistic, healing community for women and their children who are in need of housing and support services. We provide a safe, sober, and loving environment that challenges women to respect and love themselves, confront emotional and socioeconomic barriers, and transition to stable and independent lives.
Social Advocate Statement
Marian House strengthens our society by unlocking the potential found within the women they serve.
12-second Elevator Speech
Marian House values the innate dignity of each human being. Within a culture of respect and understanding of the human condition, the values of patience, trust, honesty, and integrity direct all of our interactions and endeavors. Marian House is committed to equity and inclusion.
30-second Elevator Speech
Marian House is focused on helping women break down the barriers of homelessness, heal from past traumas and move towards a life of independence and wellness. They believe in the transformative power of education in all of its forms and in the power of love and mercy of the lives of those who have been abused and disheartened. Through the empowerment of our women, Marian House works hard to enhance not only their lives but the lives of their families and the communities in which they live and work.
Press Release “Boilerplate” Summary Information
Marian House was founded in 1982 as a joint project of the Sisters of Mercy and the School Sisters of Notre Dame in response to the dire circumstances that befell women at the Baltimore City Women’s Detention Center. Two sisters and a lay volunteer noticed that it was difficult, if not impossible, for many of the women being released from jail to rebuild their lives as housing, employment and support were hard to come by. Thus, they came together and founded Marian House to fill these voids and reduce recidivism rates.
Since its founding, Marian House has become known as a leading organization providing high quality rehabilitative services to women coming out of the prison system. Over the past 39 years, Marian House has served over 3,700 women and has continuously modified its program to achieve strong, lasting results.
Online Fundraising Options
Marian House Videos to Share
Watch these videos to learn more about how Marian House is making a difference to women and their families. Kindly share these videos (using arrow icon) via social media, in your emails, or in in-person chats with others.
General Sample Social Media Posts & Emails
#MarianHouse is #empoweringwomen through the #gift of time and second chances; however, we cannot do this important work without our #community. Learn more @MarianHouseMD
#Smile How did you make someone smile today, or what made YOU smile today? #Thankful #PracticeGratitude Learn about #MarianHouse today:
#MakeADifference #Volunteers and #donors make a difference in the lives of the #women and #children at #MarianHouse Partner with us today!! Learn more about how YOU can help:
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and #celebrate those differences.” ― Audre Lorde / Learn about #MarianHouse today:
#MarianHouse strengthens our society by unlocking the #potential found within the #women we serve. Learn more about the #MarianHouse mission > Click the link in our bio.
#community #nonprofit #baltimore

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